Chairman Unveils Theme For 2021

The theme of The Church of Pentecost for the year 2021 is “A Glorious Church Revived to Possess the Nations” (Ephesians 3:12, 5:27), the Chairman of the church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has revealed.
The theme was unveiled during the opening session of the ongoing Global Heads’ Meeting held virtually on Monday, November 30, 2020.
The 2021 theme bears semblance to that of the 2020 theme; the only difference is the introduction of the word “revived.”
Explaining the rationale behind the 2021 theme, the Chairman said that the Executive Council after prayerful consideration chose to repeat the 2020 theme because of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic which made it impossible for the church to effectively treat the theme.
“Since these annual themes are guiding steps towards the overarching theme, introducing a new theme, we believe, will distract the intended process towards the realisation of the “Possessing the Nations” agenda. In view of this, the Executive Council after a prayerful consideration has decided to repeat the 2020 annual theme for 2021.
“However, as we gradually recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and its related impact, we also see that the church globally will need a reawakening. We sense a sound of abundance of rain. For if we have experienced a pandemic in our lifetime, we should also experience a revival in our lifetime. Just as many have succumbed to the deadly virus, many should also be led into the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour.
“So, although we are repeating the 2020 theme, we are introducing one word into the theme – ‘revived.’ Thus, the theme for 2021 is, ‘A Glorious Church Revived to Possess the Nations,’” he said.
According to Apostle Nyamekye, topics to be treated this year would remain the same, but they would be treated with the intention to spark up a revival in the church.
This year’s Global Heads’ Meeting is taking place at the regional levels and blocs across the world. However, the evening sessions would be organised virtually via Zoom.
Taking part in the event are Area Heads, National Heads, Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, Ministry Directors, Ministers on Secondment, and retired ministers, among others.
Source: thecophq.orgCategories: News