Over view of the Church
The Church of Pentecost, is a worldwide, non-profit-making Pentecostal church with its headquarters in Accra, Ghana. The Church of Pentecost International e.V Germany also has its head-office in Hamburg, Albert-Schweitzer-Ring 4, 22045 Hamburg. It exists to bring all people everywhere to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the gospel, the planting of churches and the equipping of believers for every God-glorifying service. It demonstrates the love of God.
Vision Statement
To become a Pentecostal church that is culturally relevant in vibrant evangelism, church planting, discipleship and holistic ministry.
Mission Statement
We exist to establish responsible and self-sustaining churches filled with committed, Spirit-filled Christians of character, who will impact their generation.
Germany now has two (2) Apostles, twelve (12) Pastors, two (2) Overseers, two hundred and four (204) Elders, one hundred and twenty-seven (127) Deacons and two hundred and sixty- seven (267) Deaconesses. There are two (2) Areas; German North and German South, which are manned by Pastors Jabis Osei and Osahene Amankwatia Boateng respectively, fifteen (15) districts, seventy-five (75) Local Assemblies. The overall membership stands at seven thousand three hundred and sixty-one (7,361). Total Adults membership is four thousand and forty-nine (4,049), Children membership is two thousand one hundred and thirty- six (2,136), Youth membership is one thousand one hundred and seventy-six (1,176). As we continue to set ablaze the Pentecostal Fire to impact the nation, we shall as well strive hard to be good stewards of God in our generation.