The Church of God will last forever – Apostle Emmanuel Quaye asserts.
The National Head of the Church of Pentecost in Norway, Apostle Emmanuel Quaye has indicated that the church of God is the only “body” on earth that will last forever. This he said is as a result of the fact that, the church can stand the test of time throughout generations.
Apostle Emmanuel Quaye made this pronouncement when he was speaking at the just ended German North Apostolisation held on 16th March, 2019 at the Bremen Central Auditorium.
Speaking on the theme “The purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ” with bible reference from Mathew 16: 15-19, he indicated that, the church is been built by Jesus Christ and not Man, and so irrespective of the circumstances, he will build his church because he will do it by his own power.
“He does not need a team, an advisor or a committee, but he will build his church as he has promised. No man can stop him” he stated.
Quoting from Ephesians 3:20 and 21, Apostle Emmanuel Quaye again said, the church will forever be there and God will receive his glory in the church and throughout generations. “Generations will come to an end. A time will come where there will be no more generation, and the Bible said, forever and forever” he added.
He explained that, Jesus will be glorified in all the generations of the earth, and when these generations end, there will be another system which will last forever where Jesus will continue to be glorified in the church.
“If you are a very good businessman and you are looking for a place to invest, then it is the Church. You can decide to engage in any business which is good, but all these businesses will come to an end, but partnering with Jesus, the project will stand the test of time” he elaborated.
He went on to say that, the church is the only group that will succeed, because Jesus said he will build his church and the gates of hades will not overcome it. “Marriages will come to an end, families will come to an end, but the church will succeed and last forever” he stressed.
The National Head of Norway, further stated that, God has called christians to do his work, and for a purpose. He indicated that, this is because, each and everyone was called from a different background and the purpose of God is that, the whole world will be blessed just as he called Abraham
He therefore advised christians to take the work of God seriously and partner with God because no matter the situation, the building of God’s church will be achieved.
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